性别: 女
出生日期: 1984年05月29日
籍贯: 吉林省 梅河口市
邮箱: fanx@szu.edu.cn
教育及工作经历 | ||
2015.04-至今 2012.06-2014.12 | 深圳大学 纳米表面科学与工程研究所 讲师 研究方向:纳米表面制造与检测 西安交通大学 机械工程学院 仪器科学与技术专业 师资博士后 研究方向:纳米表面工程与摩擦学 | |
2010.10-2011.10 | 东京大学 工学系研究科 材料工学专业 博士联合培养 研究内容:纳晶结构碳膜的制备表征及其力学特性研究 | |
2008.03-2012.03 | 西安交通大学 机械工程学院 机械设计及理论专业 工学博士 研究内容:碳表面纳米结构的控制加工及摩擦接触机理研究 | |
2006.09-2008.01 | 西安交通大学 机械工程学院 机械设计及理论专业 硕博连读 GPA: 3.50/4.0, 排名:专业前5% | |
2002.09-2006.07 | 西安交通大学 机械工程学院 机械工程及其自动化专业 工学学士 GPA: 3.49/4.0, 排名:专业前10% | |
研究成果 | ||
SCI论文: (13) Hongyan Fan, Xue Fan*, Zhiru Yang and, Dongfeng Diao*, The Lubrication Performance of Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing under Non-Contact and Contact Conditions, ASME J. Tribo., 136: 034505, 2014. (12) Meiling Guo, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, Lei Yang, Liwei Yu, Scratch Behavior of Re-structured Carbon Coating by Oxygen Plasma Etching Technology for Magnetic Disk Application, Surf. Coat. Technol., 251: 128-134, 2014. (11) Cheng Chen, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, Lei Yang and Chao Wang, Frictional behavior of carbon film embedded with controlling-sized graphene nanocrystallites, Tribo. Lett., 55: 429-435, 2014. (10) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan and Hongyan Fan, Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing, ASME J. Tribo., 136: 034501, 2014. (9) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Hongyan Fan, Xue Fan, Chao Wang, Experimenal study on Load Capacity of Nanoparticles-laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing, Ind. Lubr. Tribol., accepted for publication. (8) Xue Fan, Kenji Nose, Dongfeng Diao*, and Toyonobu Yoshida, Nanoindentation behaviors of amorphous carbon films containing nanocrystalline graphite and diamond clusters prepared by radio frequency sputtering, Appl. Surf. Sci., 273:816-823, 2013. (IF:2.112) (7) Dongfeng Diao, Chao Wang, and Xue Fan*, Frictional behavior of nanostructured carbon films, Friction, 1(1):63-71, 2013. (6) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao*, Friction contact mechanisms of layered surface, Eng. Sci., 11(1):16-23, 2013. (5) Chao Wang, Dongfeng Diao, Xue Fan, and Cheng Chen, Graphene Sheets Embedded Carbon Film Prepared by Electron Irradiation in Electron Cyclotron Resonance Plasma, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100(23):231909, 2012. (IF:3.844) (4) Xue Fan, Chao Wang, Lei Yang, Dongfeng Diao, Co Filled Porous Anodic Alumina Film Fabricated on ECR-Al Film with Silicon Substrate, Rare Metal Mater. Eng., 41 (S1): 136-139, 2012. (IF:0.164) (3) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Kai Wang, Chao Wang, Multi-Functional ECR Plasma Sputtering System for Preparing Amorphous Carbon and Al-O-Si Films, Surf. Coat. Technol., 206(7): 1963-1970, 2011. (IF:1.867) (2) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao, Contact Mechanisms of Transfer Layered Surface during Sliding Wear of Amorphous Carbon Film with Finite Element Analysis, ASME J. Tribo., 133(4): 042301, 2011. (IF:1.196) (1) Fuxun Li, Dongfeng Diao, and Xue Fan, The Critical Condition for Intrusion of A Steel Ball into Sliding Contact Space,Lubr. Sci., 22(5):195-205, 2010. (IF:0.588) 国际会议: (9) Xue Fan, Liwe Yu, and Dongfeng Diao*, Evaluation on the nanoscratch hardness of ECR nanostructured carbon coatings, 42th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 20-24, 2015. (oral) (8) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao*, and Liwei Yu, Stick-slip friction of diamond tip on nanostructured carbon surface, World Tribology Congress 2013, Torino, Italy, September 8-13, 2013. (oral) (7) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao*, and Lei Yang, Super smooth nano-structured carbon films with cross-linked graphitic sheets induced by ECR ion irradiation, 40th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, April 29-May 3, 2013. (poster) (6) Xue Fan, Kenji Nose, Makoto Kambara, Dongfeng Diao and Toyonobu Yoshida, The Dependence of Mechanical Properties on the Nano Structures of Carbon Films Prepared by ECR and RF Plasma Sputtering, International Tribology Conference 2011, Hiroshima, Japan, October 30-November 3, 2011. (oral) (5) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Kai Wang, and Chao Wang, Multi-Functional ECR Plasma Sputtering System for Preparing Amorphous Carbon and Al-O-Si Films, 38th International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films, San Diego, USA, May 2-6, 2011. (poster) (4) Xue Fan, Effect of Graphite Nanocluster Contained in Amorphous Carbon Films on the Mechanical Properties with Nano Indentation, The China-Japan Joint Tribology Symposium between Xi'an Jiaotong University and Nagoya University, Nagoya, Oct. 27-30, 2011. (oral) (3) Xue Fan, and Dongfeng Diao, Structure Effect on Mechanical Properties of ECR Plasma Sputtering Carbon Films, 6th China International Conference on Surface Engineering, Xi’an, China, May 10-13, 2011. (oral) (2) Xue Fan, Chao Wang, Lei Yang, and Dongfeng Diao, Porous Anodic Alumina Films Filling with Magnetic Co Fabricated on ECR-Al Film with Silicon Substrate, 6th China International Conference on Surface Engineering, Xi’an, China, May 10-13, 2011. (1) Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Yan Chen, and Pengfei Wang, Tribological Behavior of MCECR Carbon-Based Nano Films,World Tribology Congress IV 2009, Kyoto, Japan, September 6-11, 2009. (poster) 专利: (1) “一种在线测量的摩擦磨损试验机”,刁东风,张立章,范雪,专利号:P200910021407.1 (2) “一种薄膜表面纳米刻划与摩擦粘滑特性测试装置”,刁东风,于力伟,范雪, 受理号:201310136902.3. (3) “ECR氧-氩等离子体刻蚀技术制备的超薄碳膜及方法”, 刁东风,郭美玲,范雪, 受理号:201310728820.8. (4) “原子力显微镜测量纳米薄膜材料电阻分布的装置及方法”,刁东风,张冬青,范雪, 受理号:201410014657.3. (5) “一种ECR电子照射密度控制碳膜中纳晶石墨烯尺寸的方法”, 刁东风,陈成, 郭美玲,范雪,2014 (6) “ECR基板前置过滤网控制下的电子照射加工碳膜方法”, 刁东风,郑煜东, 范雪,2014 | ||
项目经历 | ||
² 石墨烯交联结构诱导下碳表面纳米刻划行为准原位测试研究 2015.06-2017.05 深圳大学新引进教师科研启动项目(项目编号:201526) 项目负责人 ² 石墨烯交联结构诱导下纳晶碳膜摩擦学行为原位观察测试研究 2014.01-2016.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金(项目编号:51305332) 项目负责人 | ||
² 电子照射合成sp2-sp3有序排列表面的摩擦接触机理研究 2012.07-2014.06 中国博士后科学基金 (项目编号:2012M521755) 项目负责人 | ||
² 基于结构-形貌耦合控制的碳纳米表面粘滑特性研究 |