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日本埼玉工业大学Osamu Niwa教授来访我所阅读次数 [1639] 发布时间 :2019-02-25 15:19:53

应INSE所长刁东风教授邀请,日本埼玉工业大学Osamu Niwa教授于2019年2月25日访问我所,并在南校区机电学院S512做了题为“Sputter Deposited Nanocarbon Film Electrodes for Chemical Sensors and Electroanalysis”的学术报告。



Osamu Niwa 教授简介:

1990年毕业于日本九州大学应用化学系,获得博士学位。现任日本埼玉工业大学教授,东京工业大学跨学科研究生院科学与工程学院电子化学系兼职教授。曾任日本产业技术综合研究所(AIST)材料科学与工程系、日本电报电话公司(NTT)环境技术研究所部长。研究兴趣包括新型纳米碳薄膜生物传感和电分析应用,电化学生物传感器、微/纳米电极传感装置、表面等离子体共振(SPR)装置及微流控装置在生物医学和临床检测和纳米与软生物界面等方面的应用。Osamu Niwa 教授担任Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical等JCR1区国际期刊editor,目前已发表SCI高水平论文200余篇,总引用量4700余次,H指数达到36



We have been developing electroanalytical technique and chemical sensors by using sputter deposited nanocarbon materials and metal oxide. The nanocarbon films formed by electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) or unbalanced magnetron(UBM) sputtering techniques show wide potential window because of hybrid structure of sp2 and sp3 bonds and low capacitive current due to very flat surface .These films have been applied for detecting various molecules and ions including DNAs, neurotransmitters and heavy metal ions. We fabricated fluorinated nanocarbon (F-nanocarbon) film by CF4 plasma treatment and applied it to detect lipophilic antioxidant such as Vitamin E quantitatively in bicontinuous microemulsions(BMEs). Recently, we also developed metal NPs embedded carbon film electrodes by co-sputtering of metal and carbon. Compared with NPs modified electrodes fabricated by electrodeposited or physical adsorption processes, the metal NPs embedded carbon film electrode shows much longer stability because of tight carbon matrix. The AuNPs embedded carbon film can be successfully applied to detect As(III) and Se(IV) ions in the water samples below 10 ppb.The Ni/Cu nanoparticle alloy (Nanoalloy) embedded carbon film was formed by co-sputtering of carbon, Ni and Cu. This film shows high electrocatalytic activity for sugars and excellent stability.