陈文聪/张希/刁东风在JCR2区Applied Physics Express发表论文阅读次数 [2486] 发布时间 :2018-05-07 10:23:06
我所论文:Fast semi-analytical method for precise prediction of ion energy distribution functions and sheath electric field in multi-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas,发表于JCR2区期刊Applied Physics Express。
Fast semi-analytical method for precise prediction of ion energy distribution functions and sheath electric field in multi-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas
Applied Physics Express 11, 056201 (2018)
Wencong Chen, Xi Zhang, and Dongfeng Diao*
We propose a fast semi-analytical method to predict ion energy distribution functions and sheath electric field in multi-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas, which are difficult to measure in commercial plasma reactors. In the intermediate frequency regime, the ion density within the sheath is strongly modulated by the low-frequency sheath electric field, making the time-independent ion density assumption employed in conventional models invalid. Our results are in a good agreement with experimental measurements and computer simulations. The application of this method will facilitate the understanding of ion–material interaction mechanisms and development of new-generation plasma etching devices.