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应变诱导量子阱不稳定性论文(杨雷/刁东风)在AIP Advances发表阅读次数 [3682] 发布时间 :2015-12-05 11:49:39

我所论文:Tensile strain-induced magnetism transition in multilayer graphene with excess electrons: Stability of the edge-quantum well,发表于国际期刊AIP Advances。

Tensile strain-induced magnetism transition in multilayer graphene with excess electrons: Stability of the edge-quantum well

AIP ADVANCES 5(2015), 127106 (PDF-File)

Lei Yang and Dongfeng Diao

The stability of edge-quantum well-induced strong magnetism of multilayer armchair graphene nanoribbon (AGNR) with excesselectrons was investigated under applied tensile strain by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The results indicated that: (1) The strain along the armchair edge direction led to a transition of the multilayer AGNRs from ferromagnetic state to nonmagnetic state when the strain increased to a critical value; (2) The strain induced bond length changes reduced the stability of the edge-quantum well in terms of the reduction of the electrons capturing capacity; and (3) The spin splitting of the energy bands near the Fermi level reduced with the increase of the strain, resulting in the decrease of the spin moment. This finding suggests that the magnetic properties of graphene have strong dependence on its strain states, which is crucial to the design of graphene-based magnetic devices.