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Summary and Report on Participating in 5th World Tribology Congress (WTC-2013)Views [3307] Delivery time :2016-11-23 18:20:32

1. About the Congress

     The World Tribology Congress was initiated in 1997, by 34 academic organizations that related to tribology from 24 countries, including American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and Chinese Tribology Institute (CTI). The congress is held every four years, which has the largest scale and influence, also representing the highest research level on tribology on the whole world. The 1st WTC was held in London UK, and the following three congresses was held in Vienna Austria, Washington US and Kyoto Japan.

     The 5th WTC 2013 is held in Torino Italy with more than 1,200 attendees all over the world. Over 1,300 papers were submitted to the congress committee, in which more than 900 were oral presentation. Over 150 researchers came to the congress from China, including Tsinghua University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics CAS, and other research agencies.

2. Brief on Participating of Institute of Nanosurface Science and Engineering, Shenzhen University

     The Institute of Nanosurface Science and Engineering has sent a group of seven people to the congress representing Shenzhen University, including professors, lectures and joint training doctoral students. The group members gave 5 oral presentations and 3 posters, and communicated with universities from home and abroad, which is the first time when Shenzhen University participating in the world-class tribology congress.

3. Name List of Group Members

NameTitlePosition(Research Field)
Dongfeng DiaoDistinguished ProfessorDirector of Institute of Nanosurface Science and Engineering
Gang XuProfessorDean of College of Mechatronics and Control Engineering
Chao WangAssist LecturerNanosurface Manufacturing
Xue FanLectureNanosurface Characterizing (XJTU)
Qi ZhangJoint Training Ph.DNanosurface Designing (XJTU)
Cheng ChenJoint Training Ph.DNanosurface Manufacturing (XJTU)
Meiling GuoJoint Training Ph.DNanosurface Manufacturing (XJTU)

4. Presentation Statistics

Presentation TitleTypePresenterCorresponding
Frictional Behavior of Nanostructured Carbon Films Fabricated by Electron-Ion Hybrid IrradiationOralChao WangDongfeng Diao
Stick-Slip Friction of Diamond Tip on Cross-Linking Nanostructured Carbon FilmOralXue FanDongfeng Diao
Graphene Nanocrystal Size Effect on Frictional Behavior of Carbon Film Fabricated by Electron Irradiation in Electron Cyclotron Resonance PlasmaOralCheng ChenDongfeng Diao
Scratch Behavior of Re-structured Carbon Coatings for Magnetic Disks by Oxygen Plasma EtchingOralMeiling GuoDongfeng Diao
Nan scratching of Multi-Layer Graphene by Molecular Dynamics SimulationsOralQi ZhangDongfeng Diao
Contact Stress Induced Micromagnetic Behavior in Magnetic Recording DiskPosterMeiling GuoDongfeng Diao
Effects of Nanoparticle on Load Capacity in Gas Film LubricationPosterChao WangDongfeng Diao
In Situ TEM Investigation of Nanoindentation Behavior of Carbon Coated Silicon Substrate

PosterXue FanDongfeng Diao

     According to the data from the conference committee, there are 25 research agencies from China attending the conference. By giving 8 presentations (only less than Tsinghua University, Xi’an Jiaotong University and Wuhan Institute of Material Protection), Shenzhen University can be listed on the forth place all over China, and the first place in Guangdong Province. In the 8 presentations, 5 are oral (seventh in China) and 3 are posters (third in China). We also noticed that South China University of Technology gave 4 oral presentations and no posters. The above statistic reveals that on world-wild platform, in the fields of tribology and and nanosurface science, Shenzhen University has reached the front-part of Chinese agencies and also has lead SCUT in great advantage.

Shenzhen University is No. 3 in all Chinese agencies at the conference

Congress Opening,9 September

From the Left: Meiling Guo, Xue Fan, Dongfeng Diao, Gang Xu, Chao Wang and Cheng Chen

Oral Presentation (Chao Wang), 9 September

Oral Presentation (Cheng Chen),10 September

Oral Presentation (Xue Fan),11 September

Oral Presentation (Meiling Guo), 11 September

5. Communications and PhD Training

     During the conference, Prof. Dongfeng Diao, the director of INSE, and Prof. Gang Xu, the dean of CSME, together communicated with research groups from Nagoya University, Tohoku University from Japan, and Southampton University from UK, respectively. They discussed the research outcomes and training programs about the joint-trained PhD candidates. Then they also made agreements on building certain mechanisms for Shenzhen University and the above foreign universities to raise PhD students together in the near future.

With Prof. Umehara’s Group from Nagoya University, 10 September

With Prof. Kubo’s Group from Tohoku University, 10 September

6. Summary

     The WTC 2013 is held in the very year of Shenzhen University’s 30th anniversary, and also the first time when INSE high-manner-performed on world class academic occasion on behalf on of Shenzhen University. It is a very precious opportunity that we have let the whole world know Shenzhen University’s construction strategies on frontier science developing and excellent scientists introducing. Especially, we have gained an equal conversation right towards top universities from China, and established our position as a high level Chinese university. Under the talent education principle of “International” and “High Level” of Shenzhen University, INSE has also made this conference a good chance to start PhD student joint-education as well as distinguished guest professor introduction with foreign high-level universities, which will further broaden the path for Shenzhen University to bringing in top talented researchers.